Australia is a diverse and vast country known for its beautiful landscapes and unique wildlife. The Indigenous people of Australia, the Aboriginals, have a rich and ancient culture that has greatly influenced the cuisine of the country. Australian cuisine is a melting pot of flavors and traditions, blending the native ingredients and techniques of the Aboriginals with the influences of European settlers and more recent immigrants from all over the world. 


Indonesia is an archipelago country located in Southeast Asia, consisting of more than 17,000 islands. It is the world's largest island country and the 14th-largest country by land area. The country's diverse culture is reflected in its traditional cuisine, which is a combination of indigenous, Chinese, Indian, and Middle Eastern influences. The food is known for its strong, intense flavors and the use of a wide variety of spices, herbs, and seasonings. 


New Zealand is a beautiful country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It is composed of two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, as well as many smaller islands. The indigenous Maori people have a rich cultural heritage and their traditional cuisine is heavily influenced by the abundance of seafood and game found in the region. The country is also known for its lamb and beef as well as its dairy products.

New Zealand cuisine is a unique blend of traditional Maori dishes, British and European influences, and more recent Asian and Pacific Islander influences.

The Philippines is an archipelago located in Southeast Asia. It is known for its beautiful beaches, lush rainforests, and diverse culture. The country is made up of over 7,000 islands, each with its own unique history, customs, and traditions. The people of the Philippines are friendly and welcoming, and they take great pride in their country and its culture. Food is an important part of Filipino culture and it is often used to bring people together. The cuisine is a melting pot of various influences, including Malay, Chinese, Spanish, and American. Dishes are often characterized by their sweet, sour, and salty flavors, and the use of ingredients such as coconut milk, fish sauce, and tamarind. 

Samoa, officially known as the Independent State of Samoa, is a small island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean. It is made up of two main islands, Upolu and Savai'i, and several smaller islands. The country has a rich culture and history, with a strong emphasis on traditional customs and practices. The people of Samoa, known as Samoans, have a deep connection to their land and sea, and this is reflected in their cuisine. 

last Region:   South American

next Region:   African